Pug Lovers Unite!!!
Awwww!!! This is a great story. I can totally see all of us doing this for each other, if the situation arose. Amazing how these little creatures can bring people together.http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12049834/Thanks for all the thoughts and words of kindness. I am feeling much better today. Funny thing, (kind of) I went to the hospital Saturday, and my boss went Monday. Well were were talking with a co-worker and my boss jokingly says, "Alisa, it's your turn to go to the hospital. HAHAHA" Just making a joke because she and I had been. (There's only 3 of us at the store) So I wake up this morning and find out that Alisa was in a car accident lastnight!!! She had to go to the hospital. Thankfully she was fine. She had 2nd degree burns on her arms from the air bag, but that is all. And the two children in the back seat were perfectly fine. However it did total her car!!! So I come to work today and I told my boss it's all her fault that Alisa got into the wreck. She was like, "What? Why?" I reminded her what she had said yesterday. She flipped out! HAHA She said, "OMG! You're right I did say that! I'm never saying anything like that again!!!" Alisa is doing just fine, and was at work today. As for her car...::PawsOut::
Mommy injured her knee and had to go to the hospital yesterday. It turns out that she cracked her knee cap! Ouch! So she and I have spent the last 2 days laying around. I don't mind though. Also, Friday, mommy got me a new bed! It's huge. She said I deserved a new bed since I'm a big boy now! I haven't stepped foot in my crate in a week now! And I haven't messed up once! However, the baby gate that we put up for me in the kitchen is why mommy cracked her knee. She was swinging her leg over the top of it, and hit her leg on the oven door handle. She cried. I didn't know what to do. She's feeling better now.::PawsOut::
Making Progress
I am happy to announce that Pugley is being weened from his crate. He has spent 3 nights in the house not sleeping his crate. He is however, baby gated into the kitchen for his own protection. We are "electronic" people and have power cords and stuff all over a corner in our living room. I'd hate for him to get into that while we were sleeping. But I put his bed and his toy box in the kitchen and he has slept in there 3 nights in a row without any potty accidents. I'm SOOOO excited. I even left for work yesterday and left him in the kitchen...No potty accidents when I got home! Yippee! I got a promotion at work and starting May, I will be working full time. (I only work part time right now, and have Mondays off) I was thinking to myself...Pugley is going to have to be weened from his crate. There is no way I'm leaving him in his crate for 9 hours while I'm at work, and then turn around and leave him in there for 7-8 more hours while we're all sleeping. TOO MUCH TIME IN THE CRATE! That's close to animal abuse! :) (I know some people have to do that, and I'm not saying your abusing your pet. I understand the need for crates) Having him be in the kitchen was a risk also since my kitchen is part carpet. I don't have any room in the house that doesn't have carpet except for the bathroom. And there is always too much for him to get into in there! He loves those QTips! LOL Anyway, I wanted to share our Progress with all of our blogging friends! Wish us luck that this potty training will stay this way. He never has problems during the day while we're home/awake. But I was always to scared to try it at night/while we were gone. My whole house has brand new carpet. But thank goodness...he seems to get the idea!::PawsOut::
Happy St Patty's Day!!!
Hey All...This is just a quick post to let you know that we are alright. We have NOT fallen off the face of the earth! :) I haven't even realized that it's been over a month since I posted last! The days have been going by so fast! (busy busy busy)Also our digital camera went KaPut on us. And we haven't gotten around to getting a new one yet. But here's pic of Pugley that I had on the comp, and haven't posted before!
Wow...Been Awhile
Long time no post, huh? Been super duper busy. Plus...our digital quit working and we haven't gotten around to buying a new one yet. :( So no new pics. We just wanted to update and let everyone know that we're still alive!!! :)::PawsOut::