Monday, September 12, 2005

Shout Out

I wanted to give a shout out to my Uncle Alan and my Aunt Nancy. Those wonderful people have done a lot for me. And for my mommy. They gave me a nice warm bed that I love. They gave Mommy a really cool picture of a pug to put on the wall. And a cool Pug Puppy calender so she can see a different cute Pug each and every month. Also, an adorable purse with a Pug on it that looks just like me!!! They help her with doggy advice. They have lots of doggies and kitties. So they're very wise about pets. In fact their dog, Opie, sent me an email one time. Great dog...good manners. He had lots of nice pictures of him and his roomates. But the most important thing of all...they gave mommy money to help her get our house. Since I was the reason they couldn't find a nice house. They understood our problem and helped us out. Mommy and I were just talking about Uncle Alan and Aunt Nancy, so we thought we'd share with everyone how wonderful they are to us. Well it's potty time. I'll see ya later.

::Paws Out::


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